What Can We Do For Our Physical and Mental Health Whilst At Home During This Time?

What Can We Do For Our Physical and Mental Health Whilst At Home During This Time?


At Go Performance, we believe it is super important to have a focus away from current events for the sake of our health and wellbeing. With the cancellation of key fixtures and events for athletes who have worked so hard over the past weeks, months and years, it is easy to lose motivation at this time and fall into bad habits.

So, what can we do for our physical and mental health whilst at home during this time?

  1. Ask yourself “where do I want to be physically by the time I am able to compete again?” – reverse engineer/work backwards from this point to form a step-by-step plan!
  2. Treat this as an ‘off-season’ period where we can build a fantastic base of athletic qualities, resolve any ‘niggles’ and come back stronger than ever!
  3. Draw up a weekly plan for training various qualities such as strength/power, speed/plyometrics, recovery/mobility, aerobic/anaerobic conditioning, nutrition etc (or hire a trusted coach to do it for you!)
  4. And finally the most important part – TAKE ACTION AND STICK TO THE PLAN AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE!

If you need help or advice about effective programming and training, please email us now!