Tag: cricket

Top 3 mobility exercises for athletes

Having a good level of flexibility is often a desirable quality for many athletes and sports coaches. The term flexibility actually refers to the range of motion within a joint but we also need to be able to control that range of motion in order for it to be useful in sport. You may see a hypermobile…
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The 24 hour athlete

So I first heard this phrase several years ago from a World renowned coach called Vern Gambetta. The basic idea was that an athlete might train for 1, 2, 5 + hours per day but what about the rest of the time? Are they effectively preparing for the next day or session? What methods can…
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SUPER-charge your warm-up!

Why warm up? The warm-up is often an overlooked and can sometimes even be an undesirable part of the training session for many athletes, especially younger groups! The number of times I have seen (and participated in) a generic “…run around the pitch a few times..” approach… We only have a very limited amount of…
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What are the benefits of Youth Athletic Development?

We are PASSIONATE about Youth Athletic Development!!  Here is why… (Summary) Research has shown that strength or resistance training can significantly improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, change-of-direction speed and agility, balance and stability, coordination and speed of movement in youth athletes! Some equally (if not more) important health benefits include improved cardiovascular health, bone…
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Youth Athletic Development Course – Harrogate!

“I really enjoy the Youth S&C sessions and I feel like the programme challenges me in all aspects of my sport.  Each programme is individually crafted and  personalised to make each session meaningful.  I love doing work with the other young athletes – it’s more fun than doing it by myself and I get to…
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